Monday 20 January 2014

Shareholder Activism....Guide to Shareholders rights

Just a quick update, i am putting together a couple of posts with regards to Club investment issues and Institutional Investors which could be relevant to any Club or group of fans looking  at these issues but with a particular ref to Rangers Football Club as it is of current ongoing relevance.

In order to set the scene i though it might be worth posting a link to a document called Shareholder activism.

Worth a read as a lot of questions a queries with regards to the RFC situation relate to what many folk are calling the current 12% that "fans own"

The main point being that this 12% while significant is not owned by a Single Holding Company that is owned by Fans but instead by those Fans individually.

Page 5 makes it clear the rights that you could have as a Fans Group that owned that 12% collectively rather than individually, although the key first number is actually only 5%

Although it is worth noting the rights that just 100 people can exercise also on A PLC.

Simply Put 5% ownership and you can Call a general meeting and hold the board to account to have to answer questions

It does seem faintly ridiculous that our game has descended in recent years into an education on Financial Structures and Accountancy but there you go ........ i feel this educating is here to stay for a few years yet!!!

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